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Decartes & Solving Problems with a Calculator

Step 15 - Decartes & Solving Problems with a Calculator

When you seek for truth, it's the only thing that remains

As a child I hated math, I even failed 6th grade math and had to re take it during 7th grade. Honestly, I am pretty happy that happened. The school I was going to at the time was an elite school and my knowledge on math was absolutely not up to par. I failed horribly for the first 2 semester until my parents decided it was "tutor time every weekend for 4 hours for about 5 months". I hated it and at the time I saw no use for all that math. However, I learned to like it because I really became good at it and today I am so glad for that.

If someone tells you they aren't really good with numbers you can probably assume that their financial situation is not great either. I am not taking about calculus and geometry here, I am talking about your ability to quantify things. My mother says she is bad at math (which is the reason I had to go to a tutor, she has a phD but can't teach math for shit) but she is good with money. She is quick to calculate discounts and how much money someone owes her but yet says she is bad at math. Well, maybe she is bad at math but she is certainly good with numbers and you need to get good at that as well.

Descarte said that once you remove everything that is doubtful in your life the only thing you are really left with is numbers! There is no doubt that 2 + 2 is 4,! So, what you will need to do is acquire the ability to quantify things into something tangible so that you can make decisions around it. The purpose for doing that is to see what decision is more congruent, consistent and efficient with your goals.

If you had neglected the calculator app on your phone before, it should now become one of your best friends. You see, in order to determine the best choice, Tai Lopez suggests that you use a calculator and factor in an assigned value and multiply by the odds of success. Here is an example, let's say a person is going to college even though they don't really know what they want to major in. However, they do have a great business idea that they are interested in pursuing. The cost for his entire college years will be $100,000. How does this person find out the option that will get them closer to success? Here's how:

College - $100,000 (assigned value) X 30% (odds of success considering desired area of study not yet established) = $30,000


Business Idea - $100,000 X 60% (odds of success are higher considering there is an idea and interest that correlate) = $60,000

Let's be honest, numbers don't lie, $60,000 is much better than $30,000!! Now you can make a more rational decision based on factual data. The answer, of course, would be different if the person wanted to be a doctor but had no business idea. You must take a close look at the odds of success and when assigning a number to it always be sure to be more critical than nice.

Once you learn this method you will be able to quantify and simplify things. If you have a friend and you are unsure whether to go on with the friendship or not, calculate the pros and cons of that friendship and out weight the final result. If the friend has more cons than pros, let it go, you don't need anyone or anything that isn't going to add positivity into your life.

Also, you must be realistic and be careful when giving your assigned value a number. People tend to over value the circumstances which they enjoy the most, you must not do that! Be sure to factor in every variable like happiness, money, feelings, etc.

To conclude, always remember that a decision well made can change the course of someone's destiny but so can a bad one, so take time to do your calculations correctly and don't fool yourself!

Enjoy the sweet side of life!



Comments (6)

Matt Alexander
Matt Alexander
22 juil. 2024

Thanks for providing this review. I too used the 67 steps to make some realizations, change some behaviors, and change my life some by changing my business practices. Buying it agin for myself and my now adult kids!. Have an awesome day! Cool site… I will come back soon.


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